Our Powerful Import feature allows you to import your Accounts and Contacts from external sources such as Microsoft Excel, a CSV file or from a Gmail account. Following these steps will minimize your effort and help you to import your Accounts and Contacts quickly and correctly.
Convert your Excel data sheet to CSV ( Only if you want to import it as CSV)
CSV or Comma Separated Values files are a commonly used format to store tabular data. This format is commonly used for importing and exporting data. The CSV format allows you to glance at the file and immediately diagnose if there is a problem with the data. CSV files are written in plain text so they are easy to read and understand without a high learning curve. Read more…
Prepare data for Import (Microsoft Excel / csv)
First step to import data is to prepare your data for import. It is very important to identify incomplete, incorrect, irrelevant, etc. parts of the data and then replacing or modifying them to avoid redundancies and errors. You should also save the data in csv format. Here are a few suggestions which will help you to prepare your data for import Read more…
Compare Field names in Excel/ CSV file with fields in Accounts Table
After you have prepared your data for exporting, compare field names in Excel/ CSV file with the field names of the Accounts table in Database. This will ensure that all your column headers are present in the Accounts table. If a column header is missing in the Tanle you need to add them. This will help you to import your data to Soffront Online with the correct header names. Read more…
Add custom fields in Accounts Table
Customize your Accounts table to accommodate your data set. This option allows you to insert custom fields and headers. You can also edit and delete existing fields as per your requirements. Read more…
Import Accounts and Contacts
When you are done creating the Excel/ CSV file and customizing your Accounts form you can start the Import. Follow the steps for smooth import. Read more…
Duplicate checking during import
While importing your data you can either check for duplicates add or import everything without checking for duplicates. It is always recommended to check for duplicates. Soffront performs the duplicate checking On Email IDs and or Company names.