Groups Overview

Groups are sets of leads or customers who have specific and similar needs. Dividing your leads and customers into groups will help you to cater to their specific needs in a more organized way. You can have one customer added to more than one group. From groups setting you can add, send email, Delete, Print to excel and Print out the list of all groups

How to access Groups from home page

1. Go to Account / Contact Home

2. Click on Group

3. Here you will find the list of all saved groups.

Create a new Group

  1. You may click on the “Add New” link beside ‘Groups’

  • Name: Assign a name to the group

2.  Click on Save to add the new group to the list.

3. The New group will show up on the list.

 Group detailed View

  1. Click on a group to open its detail view. This page contains an overview of all the modules the group is being used in, such as:
  • Touch campaign: Number of Touch Campaigns and their names the group is being used in.
  • Email Blast: Number of Email Blast and their names the group is being used in.
  • Split Campaigns: Number of Split Campaigns and their names the group is being used in.
  • Web Forms: Number of Web Forms and their names the group is being used in.

Landing Pages: Number of Landing Pages and their names the group is being used in.

2.  Click on each link under the modules to see details of the touch campaign, web form or other links.

3. Click on Accounts tab to see the list of all accounts within the group.

4. Click on Contacts tab to see all contacts within the Group.


Edit Group

You can change the Status, Name, and description of the Group anytime it’s needed.

Follow the steps below to Edit Group:

  1. From the Home screen of Account/Contact, if you go to the Group list and put your mouse pointer on a group name. It will show you an icon like below that says “View”. You need to click on that icon to open the Group details view.
  2. Group Information Page opens.
  3. Click on the Edit button.

Groups Information page

4. Edit fields according to your needs then click on Save to save changes.

Delete Group

Follow the steps below to Delete groups.

  1. View the group you want to delete then click on “DELETE” menu from the floating menu.
  2. Delete dialog box comes up. Click on Ok to delete the group.

Adding and Removing contacts from the group.

  1. From the home page select Accounts or Contact
  2. Select the lead/Customer records you want to add to a group then click on the  “Vertical dots” icon.

3.  This will open an Add to Group dialog box. Here you have three options

  • Selected Records: Selected records will add your selected leads and contacts to the selected groups from the list.
  • All records: This option will add all leads and contacts to the selected groups on the list.

  • Add A new Group: The third option is, you can add a new group and assign your leads and contacts to that group.
    • Click on here a link to add a new group to the list.
    • Then click on save, This will add the new group to the list,

Note: Creating the group and saving it will not add your leads and contacts to that group. You have to select the groups then click on Apply to add them to the group.

4. Select your preferred settings then click on Apply.

5. Now click on Ok to confirm your action. Your Leads/Contacts will be added to the selected groups.


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