Filters Overview

Filters allow you to screen your data and provide you with a result that captures your specified conditions and criteria.

Example:  If You can create a filter for Contacts who are from New York.

  1. On the home page, Click on Contacts Home under Marketing / Sales module then give a click on add new.

2. Now Give your filter a Name.

3.  Then select State from the drop-down field list.

4. Select a condition from the list. Then select an option related to the condition.

  • Contains– The filter will pull out a list of data which contains the specific word or number.
  • Does Not Contains – The filter will create a list of data which does not contain the specified word or number
  • Is equal to – The filter will create a list of data which is exactly equal to the word or number specified in the option.
  • Is not equal to – The filter will create a list of data which does not have the exact word or number specified in the option.
  • Is empty–  The filter will create a list of data which is having empty or Blank values in the specified column.

5. You can also add more condition to a field. Click on Add another Condition.

  • And: The filter will select data which satisfies both the conditions.
  • Or: The filter will select data which satisfies any of the one conditions.

6.  Click on “Next” Button to finish the filter to setup Column view, Sort By etc as below and hit SAVE button.

7. It will add a new filter under your Filter list of Account / Contact Home

8. Now, click on the new filter to see the result in a new tab.


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