Setting up Opportunities Workflow

Opportunities are Sales and pending deals you want to track. You can keep a track of your progress by assigning tasks to each stage and assigning a probability of closure (%) for that stage.  This probability will be used to auto calculate the forecast based on the current opportunity stage

Probability Percentage is calculated based on which Stage your Opportunity is currently in. So, as you change the state (Convert) of an Opportunity record, the Probability Percentage gets changed automatically depending on the value set for that particular stage from Opportunity Workflow.

To customize your Opportunities Workflow follow the steps below:

Navigate to Settings at the top right-hand corner of your Home screen

Then click on the Workflow option under Customization

1. Click on the default Opportunity Workflow from the workflow page or Click on  Add on the workflows page.

2.  Tables: Select Opportunity for table name from the drop-down list. The drop-down list contains all available tables in Soffront CRM.

3.  Name: Assign a Name to the workflow

4. Click on   to add Stages to the workflow.  Stages can be Qualified, Presentation, Proposal, etc.

Configure workflow Dialogue box

5. Select a Opportunities Stage from the drop-down then click on save to add the stage to the workflow

  • You can also move stages around to fit the workflow by dragging and dropping.
  • Each stage can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon. You can remove any stage by clicking on the X button

Workflow stages

6.  After adding the stage users can add or edit the Probability % value for each stage.

7.  Each stage has a Task bar. The User has the option of adding tasks which will be executed in the process of the workflow.


Task Bar

7. Click on  to add a new task to the task bar. New task form opens. Follow the steps below to create a new task.

Task Form

  • Task name: Assign a task name which describes the task best.
  • Owner: Select your name from the drop-down list.
  • Due By: Here you can add the number of days or the number of hours the task in due in.
  • After: Here you can select from the option when the task will be executed. The task can be executed after Previous task is done or it can be executed on the created date.
  • Reminder: Users can opt to get a reminder for the task through Email or Pop-up
  • Notify sales Rep:  Check it if you want the assigned sales rep to get email notification when you assign the task to the sales rep.
  • Then click on save to add the task to the list.

8. On Workflows page click on Refresh to refresh workflow list.

Opportunities Overview


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