You can make outbound phone calls by clicking a phone number in CRM. After the call, you can add a note to log the summary. The call can also be recorded and available for review.
Note: This feature is available for the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Australia only.
Follow the steps below to set up and start making calls:
- Go to Settings
- Under Company, click Phone Numbers and then click on BYO (Bring Your Own)
- Enter the caller ID for your calls. You can use your main business number. Before using your number as the caller ID, you will need to verify that you own the number. To verify the number, enter your number and extension (optional) Under Outbound Phone Numbers and click Verify.
- Click I am ready to take the call. You will see a verification code and receive a verification call. Follow the instructions on the call to complete the verification.
- To automatically record all outbound calls, select Record all calls.
Note: By default, automatic Call recording is turned off because we always recommend getting consent from your contacts before Recording Calls
ADD CREDITS: You can buy more phone call credits if your phone minutes balance is low.
Making Outbound Calls
Now you can make phone calls from the Soffront application to your customers and how you can make calls from there. Please see the below steps:
- Go to Accounts or Contacts → Open any record→ Click on Phone or Mobile number hyperlink or even any custom phone number (if there)
Tip: You can perform this action from Accounts List view, Detail View as well as from Contacts List view, Detail View
- Clicking on Phone number of the account record, call option would be displayed
- Selecting any From number click on the Call button
- After the call, you can disconnect the call by clicking on the End Call button
- As soon as you disconnect the call, select Notes from the dropdown (see below) and put a call note and close the Calling drawer.
- The Notes will be saved automatically
- The saved call note should be displayed in the Notes child tab along with the download recording link (if Record call is checked from Call Setup)