You can create recurring tasks in Soffront that repeat on a certain interval (daily, weekly, monthly).
The process of adding a recurring task is the same as adding a new task. You can add a task from the Calendar/Task page or from an account record.
Follow the steps below to Create the recurring task –
- Create a new task. When the
- Fill in all the details.
- Select Due By date according to the day of the week you want to set up the recurring task. ( in this case we have selected first Tuesday of the month)
4 Click repeat check box.
- Start date: Start date will be the same as selected earlier.
- End Date: Select a end date when you want to end the repeat task.
- Repeat type: You can repeat the task Daily, weekly, Monthly or Yearly. ( for this example we will select monthly)
- Repeat Every: You can select the interval after which the task will be repeated.( in this case Repeat every one month)
- Repeat By : Here you have two option:
- Day of the Month: It will repeat on the particular date of the month. ie in this case every 4th day of the month.
- Day of the Week : It will repeat on the particular day of the week. In this case every first wednesday of the month.
- Click on Save once you are done.
5. Finally, fill in all the other details then click on Save to add the repeat task.