Contacts Overview

You can store information about your customers using accounts and contacts. Accounts are companies that you’re doing business with, and Contacts are the people who work for them.  Contact records stores information such as First name, Last name, Phone number and most importantly Email addresses. Email addresses stored under contact records help you to send out sales emails as well as Marketing email campaigns. You might know more than one person from a company, therefore the number of contacts will always be more than the number of Accounts.

Example: You might know Elisa and John from ACME Hospital. So there will be one Account record and two contact records as shown below.


How to see Contact records

To see all the contacts for an Account. Open an account record and click on the Contacts tab as shown in the above image.

Or you can also access Contacts from the Sales > Contacts > Contacts Home


Contacts Home

Contacts Home allows you easy access to filters, groups and recent contact records that you have viewed or edited. Click on the Add link beside My Filters to add a contact filter that you have created earlier, to this page. To delete them mouse over the filters and click on X. Click on the add link beside Groups to create a new group. Mouseover the groups and click on the arrow to open group detail view page. Click on the links under Recent to open contacts detail view page.

Contacts List view

The contacts list view page displays contact records in Excel format.


Setup Contacts record view page

You can select the information you want to see on this page. Click on the settings icon, here you can see all the added fields. Place your cursor at the end of the fields and type the name of the field you wish to add, then select it from the list. Click X to remove a field or drag and reorder fields to change their position. From the settings, you can also select the field to sort by, check if you want to set it up in descending order. Finally, click on show picture if you want to add an image or logo to the Contact record.

You can also select the number of records that show up on the page. You can add up to 200 at a time.  Use the arrows  or the numbers to move from page to page.

Group by your contact list

You can group by your contact list according to Status and other list items such as Country, state, industry, etc. Click on the arrow then select the field you want to filter. You can click on each of these links to see the records under them.


Add a new Contact

Businesses cannot exist without people or contacts, therefore when you add an account, the first contact record is created by default, to add another contact for the account follow the steps below.

To Add a new Contact

  1. Find the Account that you want to add the contact for.
  2. Open accounts detail view page
  3. Click on Contacts tab
  4. Click on Add
  5. Fill in the quick add form or if you want to see all the available fields click on Expand and then fill in the form.
  6. Check Notify sales rep if you have assigned the contact to someone else and want them to get an email notification.
  7. Click on Save to add the new Contact for the Account record.

You store information about your customers using accounts and contacts. Accounts are companies that you’re doing business with, and contacts are the people who work for them.

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