You can add a new task in two ways:
Option 1: From the ADD option on the Calendar and Task screen OR clicking on the Add New (+) sign next to the search box at the top
To add a new task click on the ADD dropdown on the top right corner of the Calendar/Task page then select Task. Fill in the quick add form.
Task Name: Type in a task name. for example Follow-up or call
Due By: Set a due date or deadline for your task. Click on the Due date field to bring up the calendar. Select a date then the time from the drop-down list.
Status: For a new task, by default status will be Pending. You can change the status to Completed or Cancelled when required.
Add a reminder: You can set reminders for your task through Email or Popup. Select Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks from the drop-down, then type in the number. Click on add a reminder to add up to three reminders for your task.
Company: Click on the Company search icon, when the search box shows up, either select a company from the list or search with a company name. Select a company then click on the select button to add it.
Contact Name: Once you select the Company, all the contacts from that company will show up. Select a contact from the list.
Description: Type in a short description or a few details of the Task.
Repeat: Check repeat if it is a recurring task. For Example, a Company meeting every second week on Monday.
- Start date: select a start date when you when to start the repeat.
- End date: Select the end date from the calendar.
- Repeat type: Select how frequently you want to repeat, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
- Repeat every: Select the number of days, weeks, month,s or years you want to repeat this appointment.
- Repeat on: Check the days
- Then click on Save
Add a Note: Add a note to the task it will be saved under accounts notes. For example, you want to move the task to next week, add a note why.
Then click on Save to add a task.
Note: Adding an appointment from the quick add form will just schedule a basic appointment but will not link it to any Account or Contact. You will need to link it manually.
Option 2: Search and Find a record and then create a new Task from that record view