If any contact unsubscribes from your marketing email, their email status will automatically change from opted-in to opt-out. Please follow the below steps for changing the email status back from Opted-out to Opted-in:
Step: 1 > How to easily search for Opted-out Email Status?
You can add a filter to lookup the Email Status field for Opted out Contacts. To create a filter, you need to navigate to the left-hand side of your CRM and go to Marketing -> Contacts -> Contacts Home section. Then Click on the Add New option next to Filter.
After that Type the Filter Name and Add the “Email Status” field from the list. It will bring you the next step for adding the Opted-out lookup value for the Email status field and clicking on the Next button. Then Save the Filter and click on Run.
It will fetch the list of all Opted-out Contacts from your database. If you do not find the Email Status field on the list view then click here to follow the steps.
Step: 2 > Create a Template to get Explicit Opt-in Consent From Existing Contacts
Soffront provides a convenient way to customize a template for sending email consent.
Step: 3 > Send the Opted-in Email to your Contacts Manually:
The final step is to send the email to your contacts. Click here to learn more about sending emails to contacts.
Once a contact subscribes using the opt-in link in your email, their email status will automatically update from opted-out to Opted-in confirmed in your CRM record.