Expire stale lead scores

A lead can be very active for some time and then become less active or inactive. Lead Score Expiration helps you to set a number of days after which a score expires for a lead. The system calculates and removes the points for scores that have expired.  Therefore Lead Score Expiration on a score helps to maintain a more recent and realistic score for the lead

Follow the steps below to add Expiry date to your Lead Scores

1. Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner of the screen.

2. On the settings page, click on Lead Scores under Marketing.

3. The Lead Scores tab opens up.

  • Make sure the Status is Active. If the status is Inactive the lead score will not be applicable.
  • Score chart displays the number of stars for each percentage amount. that is if a lead scores 41-60% there will be three blue stars.

4. Click on the plus sign besides Scores to add the scoring factors.

5. Click on the Action drop-down to select the action based on which you want to score the lead.

6. After selecting the action you can set the score which you want to add or subtract from the lead based on the action.

7. Then add the number of days after which the Link Clicked score expires. ( Optional)

In the above image, we have selected Link clicked as the action and added 50 points. The score will expire in 30 days ,So, whenever a link is clicked 50 points will be added to the lead, and after 30 days link clicked score will be recalculated.

8. Similarly, you can also opt to subtract some points from a lead based on the action.

In the above image, we have set the action as Unsubscribed so if an email is unsubscribed than 20 points will be taken away from the lead. It is optional to add expiration date for all lead scores.

8. Based on some action we have created a set of actions and allotted some points  and expiration dates to them.

You will be able to see the expiration as an event in the score history

Go to Account and click on the lead score to see score history


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