How to Setup Notification In Social marketing or Online Reputation In Social marketing or Online Reputation, a user can set an automatic email alert. This would assist them when anyone...
How do I connect my social media accounts? Please switch to the “Marketing” module and select ‘Social Marketing‘ 2. From Social Marketing, select Settings > Connect Accounts From here...
How do I connect an Instagram account to a Facebook page? To connect an Instagram account in Social Marketing, you must first connect the account to a Facebook page. There are...
How do I compose a social post in Social Marketing? Please switch to the “Marketing” module and select ‘Social Marketing‘ 2. From Social Marketing, select Settings > Connect Accounts 3. Click...
How do I edit a scheduled post in social marketing? Please switch to the “Marketing” module and select ‘Social Marketing‘ 2. In Social Marketing, go to My Posts > Scheduled Posts,...