Workflows allow you to design and customize the CRM process to meet your specific business needs. You can breakdown your business processes into steps/stages and define specific tasks corresponding to each stage, completion of which allows the process to advance to the next stage. This allows CRM users to automatically know the “To Do’s” for a specific stage minimizing the need for training. It helps to standardize successful processes in your business and optimize poorly performing processes to be successful in the long run.
To create a Accounts workflow follow these steps
1. Click on Settings icon at the top right-hand corner of CRM Home screen.
2. Click on Workflow option under Customization.
3. Under Table, click on Accounts. Then click on the Name of a workflow
Note: To create a new Workflow, Navigate to right side and click on the +ADD button
4. The next screen shows where you can customize your workflow.
Accounts Workflow
5. Table : Displays the associated table in the database. ( You cannot edit this field while modifying a workflow)
6. Name: You can change the name field to whatever suits your business.
7. Status: Set the status as Active to work with your Accounts Workflow.
8. Stages: You can add stages as needed by clicking on the icon.
- You can also move your stages around to fit your workflow by dragging and dropping.
- Each stage can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon
. You can remove any stage by clicking on the
9. For every Stages there are different tasks associated with them. You can add, edit, or delete tasks as well. Click on the + icon to add a Task. Again you can also move your task up and down to fit your workflow by dragging and dropping. You can also edit the Task by clicking on the pencil icon.
10. Once the tasks are created you will find two new options for each stage to convert to the next stage. Refer to the image below:
If the manual radio button is selected then the conversion will work as it used to work currently.
If the “automatically” option is selected for that stage, after all the tasks of the stage are marked as done, it will automatically get converted. This will only happen if the tasks which are created for the workflow are completed. The conversion will do the following:
- The record will be moved to next stage.
- The next tasks will be created.
- The note that gets added for the conversion will be added.
11. Once you have your workflow set up, click the Save button.
For example, there is a record with two tasks as shown in the image below:
Now, if you manually complete the tasks and click on detailed view refresh link it will automatically convert the record to the next stage. Refer to the image below:
Note: If you complete the tasks from the List view floating menu or from the Task page then the stage will be automatically converted.